First Aid & Bathrooms
Port-o-Lets and wash stations will be located in the parking lot of Heirloom Market and behind The Charles. The Keeney Center also has bathrooms.
The Wethersfield Volunteer Ambulance Association will be set up at the WFD Company 1. The MDC water truck will also be at WFD Company 1 for water bottle refills.
Parking Information
* Hanmer Elementary – 50 Francis St, Wethersfield, CT
* Street Parking – as-available and permitted
Wethersfield DMV – 60 State St, Wethersfield, CT
Trinity Church – Main St, Wethersfield, CT
Hart Seed Company (rear parking off Hart St) – Main St, Wethersfield
Road Closure Information
The Wethersfield Police Department & Wethersfield Physical Services will close Main Street to through traffic (from Garden St. to Hartford Ave.) at 9am on Saturday morning. The northbound lane of Main Street will be available for emergency vehicles as well as residents, Main Street employees, vendors, and musicians.
More OW PorchFest Information
In it's 5th year with 36 musical performances and 50+ vendors who will be selling their wares at various locations along Main Street.
As done in the past, OW PorchFest musicians will take to the “stage” at their designated times and perform for the public free of charge.
As this is considered to be a neighborhood event, attendees are encouraged to walk, ride bikes or scooters, drive golf carts, or push
strollers as they move from one venue to another while they enjoy the historic charm of Old Wethersfield and the sweet collection of
restaurants, shops and museums along the way!
PorchFest Sponsors & Friends

Founded in 1975, the Old Wethersfield Shopkeepers Association is a collaborative collection of small businesses in the heart of Old Wethersfield’s Village Business Zone. With community and preservation in mind, OWSA works to maintain the small town magic that is Old Wethersfield